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What is your daily Rider?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:21 pm
by britman
Just thought it would interesting to see some shots of your daily rider no matter if it has two or four wheels. This is what I use unless it is below 40 degrees or raining, then the Toyota truck comes out. Occasionally one of the 305's makes the commute to give the "Big Girl" a day off. It is a 2005 Triumph Rocket 111.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:12 pm
by Dogsbd
Wow. Awesome ride!!

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:58 am
by milwaukeephil
100 mile/day commute in a 2000 grand marquis, which honestly has run contrary to the popular opinion that American cars suck. This thing as been no maintenance and super-comfortable for me.


However, when my commute is over and I need to run around the city of Milwaukee, I usually ride a Yamaha TW200 since it goes pretty much anywhere, on or off road. I have a trunk on it so it's easy to pick up beer (or these days, diapers and baby wipes)...


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:37 am
by britman

The more I look at that Yamaha, the more I like it. Couple of questions, top end speed and ball park price of what they sell for. That is a great knock around bike.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:49 am
by milwaukeephil
britman wrote:Phil,

The more I look at that Yamaha, the more I like it. Couple of questions, top end speed and ball park price of what they sell for. That is a great knock around bike.
Stock it's got a 14 front / 50 rear sprocket setup that enables you to drive straight up a wall in first gear. I've had it going 65 and that seemed about the danger zone for me. But the sprockets are easily changed out to a 15/54 and then there's no problem doing 65-70 for long periods of time.

It's an excellent knock around bike for town, and off-road it can't be beat with the huge tires. I've seen lots of guys on tall bikes going over in the dirt but this bike can be flat-footed.

I bought mine new for $3200, and it came out to about $3600 with all the BS destination fees, title, etc.

There's a whole forum like this one over at

And as you vintage bike guys know, it's always fun to ride a very unique bike -- TW200s are pretty hard to find and in 3 years I've never seen another one in Milwaukee...


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:45 am
07 honda spirit 1100. other bikes 01 honda xr650r, for the off road fun.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:45 pm
by mangajunky
Lambretta Jet 200 - no joke.
Here she is after riding her to Philadelphia.