Having got my kickstart cover completed, I needed a kickstart lever. The early ones are more slender than the later ones and much more slender than the various pattern ones that come along.
The kicker I had got hold off had a rusty pedal and I had been putting off dismantling it, but now was the moment. The pedal is held on with a wire circlip trapped in a groove between a thick, machined retaining collar and the shaft of the main lever. You have to compress that collar before the clip can be popped out.
I managed to fashion a 'compressor' using an adjustable wrench and got the two parts compressed quite safely.
Unfortunately the clearance of the wrench over the circlip was too tight and I couldn't get the clip to release.
Back to my junk pile I found a badly gouged rear chain adjuster that would 'fit' over the retaining collar. After removing one side of the adjuster and bending what was left to form a stand against the pedal, a bit of work in the the lathe to open up the hole meant that this could sit over the collar securely.
Although this "2nd prototype" felt a little flimsy, it did the job.
The counterbore underneath held the 'tool' in the right position and I was able to dislodge the clip which, helpfully, sprang across the workshop into a handy glass jar on the shelf....
The parts are now ready to go to the platers in my next batch. The lever and pedal for chroming and the spring and clip will go for zinc.
I'm going to make a sturdy version of this from 1/4" bar but for now my prototype has done its job.