Baby dream parts bike part out
Baby dream parts bike part outI have a honda baby dream 150. The numbers on the motor say CA95E-401107. The motor is seized but can be reworked. The seat is missing the side covers are missing and the bottom of the tank is rotted out. Bottom of the left side fork is rotted but the right side is perfect. No exhaust at all. Front tire is smoked but the rim is all there, will need to be rebuilt. The back rim is alright looking...not as bad as the front at all. Kickstand is there, rear foot peg brackets are there, tail light is gone but aluminum bracket is there...says made in Japan on right side but in the center it says New York,New York.. Aluminum shock brackets on the back fender are there and in decent shape. Rear sprocket is of the harness have been cut up. Nippon seiki speedo is there in nice shape, will need to be resealed, mileage reads 08203/5. I have the handle bars which aren't bent and could use rechroming,also have handlebar bracket and bolts, gas cap is nice. The actual frame itself has a bunch of rust but no rot through...could be completely broken down and the frame an swing arm could be blasted painted and used for a new resto project. Let me know if you need anything!
baby dreambob
is the bike black . i need a rear fender.. Say almost up to the taillight bracket. Jj