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Vince Lupo Member
Posts: 1371
Joined: Wed May 04, 2005 7:17 am

Post by Vince Lupo » Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:21 am

Hi Joe -- Yes, I saw you at the event, but sorry for not making my way over to connect. Hopefully if you're going to the Nostalgia Run I'll see you there.

It seemed to me that about 80% of the bikes got some kind of award -- didn't they even have 4th runner up in some categories? And it seemed like 6 bikes got trophies in the 'Specials' category, but I got nothing in that category, and I thought that was the category I was entered in. Don't know how they figure things out at that event...

We stopped in Hampstead, MD for breakfast and there were a bunch of very large guys with their very large bikes (as usual nowadays) congregated in front of the restaurant. They seemed completely flummoxed by the sight of three skinny guys on very small bikes (2 Dreams and the SuperHawk). Ah well, , as Louis Armstrong said, "If I has to explain it to you, you ain't never gonna know".

piecutter Member
Posts: 326
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Post by piecutter » Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:34 am

Well, should have trusted my ears, it WAS the right side connecting rod. Bottom end bearing is shot. Amazing little machine for running the 75 miles to get me home, though!
The motor's apart and I'm now faced with the question, used crank or big money rebuild?

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