CL77 parts / snuff-or-notsCL77 parts / snuff-or-notsHi guys, just bought a '66 CL77.
Still looking for some things to make it complete, I noticed the webstore from: Unfortunately they don't ship to Europe... If anyone from the US is willing to help me out and make a call to hear if my needed parts are in stock and maybe ship to Belgium, it would be highly appreciated. Other question, since I don't have the bike at home yet. What diameter snuff-or-nots do fit on the exhaust? Are these correct or do I need the smaller version? ... Sw8RJXCAnl Best regards
Other question:
I noticed some bikes have a protector piece sitting at the lower left side of the engine case. Part n° 50353-273-000Z (protector cover). Were these originally fitted to all CL77's? I'd try to find one but have the impression they're as rare as hen's teeth. Thanks. Tim
They're just an adjustable baffle that fits in the end of the exhaust. It's like a little butterfly valve. Close (snuff) for quiet(ish) running in town. Open (not) out on the highway or off road. G
'60 C77 '60 C72 '62 C72 Dream '63 CL72
'61 CB72 '64 CB77 '65 CB160 '66 Matchless 350 '67 CL77 '67 S90 '77 CB400F