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cb77 or cp77

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dreaming56 Member
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cb77 or cp77

Post by dreaming56 » Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:55 am

Good Day, I have wanted to restore a Superhawk for a long time but couldn't find one, I came accross a fellow that had 2 in pretty rough shape but I thought I could make one out the two. I find after striping them down that ones a cp77. I don't know what the difference is between the two and will it matter if I exchange parts. I ordered the restoration guide from Michael but just wanted to know if there are many others out there.
Thanks Stan,

CliffC Member
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Post by CliffC » Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:43 pm

Stan, as far as I know there is no difference between the CB and CP. I have heard two stories: the first was the CP was only for Japan and was not for export; the second was the CP was only for Canada and had turn signals. I have a 63' CP77 that I bought the end of 62' in Japan while in the US Air Force and it didn't have turn signals. Somebody on here may know the absolute correct answer but I can only go with the answers above. Hope this helps, Cliff

s2000erick Member
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CB vs. CP

Post by s2000erick » Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:44 pm

Stan, like Cliff, I have a 1963 CP which I bought on ebay and I was told that the bike came back from Japan with a service person. Mine had fixed rider pegs vs. the fold up pegs and raised handle bars vs. flat. I have read that the tail lights are different but can't define exactly how. Mine had no turn signals. Not aware of any other differences.
Good luck with the bikes.

Flashy65 Member
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My 67 CP77

Post by Flashy65 » Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:53 pm

I think Cliff has it - I myself have a 67 CP77 that has ZERO difference from any other CB77 I've seen AND it has turn signals.

I once had a self proclaimed expert tell me that my CP77 should have a steering stabilizer shock, but there are no signs of mine ever having one of these.

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hardlyrock Member
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CP77s in Canada

Post by hardlyrock » Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:24 am

I have been asking google what is a CP77?
I have not had much luck.No luck in finding good photos of detailed differences.
I have two 1967 CB77s
A friend here in Canada just scored a CP77. He asked what is the difference from a CB77?
I think CP77 must be fairly common here in Canada. I have two CP77 engine cases. One is VIN 1000120
I read that the CP77 does not have a tachometer but that may have been in reference to the CPY77 Police/military model?

I surmise:
A CB77 and CP77 are identical.
However if a police department or military wanted a bike its frame and engine would be stamped CP77- and CP77E- and called model
It would then have the tachometer drive removed a solo seat ,lights,bags,bars and big round speedometer and all other police or military options added.
On youtube there is a nice military version from Indonesia ... e version
Last edited by hardlyrock on Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Seadog Member
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Re: CP77s in Canada

Post by Seadog » Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:00 am

I know very, very little about the CPs - just what I've read on this site, really - but I've found some great photos of one at a Japanese website. Here's the link:
hardlyrock wrote:I have been asking google what is a CP77?
I have not had much luck.No luck in finding good photos of detailed differences.
I have two 1967 CB77s
A friend here in Canada just scored a CP77. He asked what is the difference from a CB77?
I think CP77 must be fairly common in Canada. I have two CP77 engine cases. One is VIN 1000120
Surely someone knows what the differences are?
I read that the CP77 does not have a tachometer but that may have been in reference to the CYP77 Police/military model?
Any help would be appreciated. Surely someone has the scoop?

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