Search found 12 matches
The bike is missing the headlight/speedo, skid plate and foot peg assembly, chain guard, front fender. The rear has been cut off near the frame loop, and probably more. The air tubes are there. Are the early one different? Should the foot pegs be steel folding, any difference from later steel models...
CL 72 Frame/Engine yearI don't have a Silvers Guide at present and was wanting to verify the year and know if the engine is correct for the frame.
Is there a serial# /year list on the net somewhere that I'm not aware of? Thanks. Frame # is CL 72 20032 Engine # is CL 72E 210025
brand of mufflersredblk 63 or anyone else , what brand of mufflers are on the bike pictured ? thanks
MufflersCan someone tell me what brand the mufflers are in the first post,page one? Thanks